For Accepted Students
以下信息适用于已缴纳400美元入学保证金的学生. If you’re ready to commit to FPU, call (800) 437-0048 to place your enrollment deposit today.
Welcome to RAVEN NATION! 经常查看必须完成的所有后续步骤的完整列表 prior to your arrival on campus!
- Connect with us! Check out our visit page 为了澳门线上真人博彩公司所有的面对面和虚拟访问机会!
- Be connected! 联系你的个人招生顾问.
File your FAFSA!
if you have not done so already.
Activate Franklin Pierce E-Mail Account
你应该已经收到了一封电子邮件,地址是你申请表上列出的电子邮件地址 发送到FPU,其中包括您的FPU用户名,电子邮件地址和设置您的 password. 如果你还没有收到这封信,请致电招生办公室(800) 437-0048. 获得这些信息后,按照说明激活您的帐户 below:
- Go to
- Enter your FPU e-mail
- Enter your password
* 在整个注册过程中,您将需要您的用户名和密码,所以做 sure you keep it in a safe place. 请注意所有的电子邮件和信件 – they are important!
Academic Calendar
Review and share the Academic Calendar 和你的家人一起计划来年.
预约将于11月底开始安排. Please ensure that 你已经设置了你的FPU Outlook帐户,这样你就可以监控你的收件箱了 11月的第一周,顾问会联系你安排约会.. Appointments will be held via Zoom.
Virtual Appointments Registration | Course Advising Guide
Financial Aid must do's
- Review and Accept Financial Aid(学生现在可以接受经济援助,截止日期为11月15日)
- Review Billing Statement & Finalize Payment Arrangements(账单将于11月1日发出,12月1日到期)
- 完成所需的经济援助文件(截止日期为11月15日)
- Federal Loan Documents
- Enroll in Direct Deposit Refund (required for all students)
- Were you selected for Verification?
- 与你的保健医生一起安排身体健康检查 (Health Forms are due January 2. Please see link below)
Complete Health Forms
Choose from the following:Student Health Forms (For Non-Athletes)
文件要在入住前两周交. 这四份表格是必须填写的 全部由参加班级或体育运动的学生提交 at the Rindge, N.H. campus.
- Upload to
- Email to
- Fax to (603) 899-1050
Contact 了解更多信息或回答任何问题.
- Keys for housing
- Face to face classes
- 能够参加户外探险活动,如POWA
- 能够参加预定的体育活动.
Complete New Student Questionnaire
新生需要填写一份新生问卷(NSQ)。. This 问卷将帮助住宿生活的工作人员了解你的住房和室友 placement. Please review these instructions on how to complete and submit the NSQ.
The housing timeline is as follows:
- 住房表格将于2024年11月提供
- 新生应尽快提交《澳门线上博彩公司官网》
- 住宿生活将开始室友匹配和住房安置工作 first week of January 2025
If you have any questions please e-mail or call (603) 899-4176.
Off Campus Housing Petition
富兰克林皮尔斯是一所寄宿大学,致力于校内和校外教育 outside the classroom. 因此,澳门线上真人博彩公司认为住在大学宿舍是一种 是整个人生教育和发展经历的宝贵组成部分 a student. 由于这些机构的承诺,学生需要居住 除非他们提交了一份请愿书,并被批准住在校外.
Please review the 学生记录和披露信息和政策
- Students must complete and sign the Student Information Release Form.
- This form is available on Campus Web. 登录后,单击Student选项卡并单击 FERPA学生信息发布表.
Have questions later? Contact the Registrar’s Office at (603) 899-4068 or
Order Your Textbooks
Steps to Order Your Textbooks
- Go to the Bookstore Website
- Click Textbooks at the top of the page
- 选择Term,它将是ringdge Spring 24-25
- Division is UNDERGRAD. 向右移动,选择Dept, Course #和Section #. All are found on your schedule. 一旦你输入你的课程,点击“查找材料”.
- 一旦你选择了你需要的书,你就可以继续检查和选择方法 of payment.
Additional Information
- Register Your Vehicle
- Order a MicroFridge and/or a lofting kit by August
- 在你的手机应用商店下载渡鸦国应用!
- 微型冰箱或床从阁楼出租 College Products.
- Personal Property Insurance from National Student Services, Inc
- 开始购物,准备好入住 Dormify
We're Here to Help
- Be Accepted - Deposit today by calling (800) 437-0048
- Be Prepared -到学生成功中心接受学术建议和支持服务. You can also arrange for academic accommodations 如果你有任何可能影响你的教育需求的残疾.
- Be Connected - Connect with your personal admissions counselor.
- Be Savvy -秋季学期的学费将于6月1日到期. Contact Student Financial Services at (877) 372-7347 提供财政援助,奖励信息和财务建议.
CONTACT Undergraduate Admissions
(800) 437-0048
Mon - Fri: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.